Saturday, October 2, 2010

Defeat the Adversary.

President Monson

Today was the first two sessions of the 180th Semi-annual General Conference. For those of you who do not know what General Conference is, it is a broadcast that our church puts out twice a year. In our faith be believe that God restored the keys of the priesthood and gave the world a prophet and apostles again. If you are not familiar with the Great Apostasy, it was a time when the world was so wicked that the Lord took away these wonderful gifts. Every year, twice a year, our prophet and apostles and other various members from different capacities get up and talk to us. There talks are believed to be inspired and what we as a people need to work on in our daily lives. Many of the talks today were on the adversary, and what we need to do in order to keep ourselves strong with faith, our testimonies, the light of Christ, and our characters. Let me explain what the adversary is; When we were still in heaven God needed someone to go down and die for all of our sins so that we could repent and come back to him. Lucifer stepped forward and said that he would do it and that he would make every person come back to the Lord (thus destroying their agency) but he wanted the glory. Then Christ stepped forward and said he would do it but that the glory would go to the Father and that he would carry out his will. God chose Jesus of course, which started this huge war in heaven. 1/3 of the hosts of heaven followed Lucifer, and when he was banished they all went with him. These 1/3 spirits are the adversary. They are the ones who fill our lives with temptations and try to turn us down the path away from Eternal Salvation. They are the ones who are the evil spirits you see in movies where people get possessed, or can control a Wegey board. They want us to be miserable like they are, so in turn they try to delude our paths and take the light of Christ from our lives, which we were all born with. "We live in the world but we can't be of the world". I love this gospel with all my heart. It has made me happier than I have ever been in a long time and it has helped me see the person that I am and want to become. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for all of us. With him there is always love and hope.

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