Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to My Life :)

Hello dearest people who decide my life is interesting to read about. I thank you for taking the time to read about my life!

My name is Leisa (LEE-SUH)----> Lisa with and E! Marino and currently I am at a wonderful age of 19. Upon turning this new chapter in my life I thought to myself, what is so important about the age of nineteen? Well with 6 months of practice under my belt I have come to find out that it is a magical time of life. Fun fact: All the best artists write songs about being nineteen. Most would say well you aren't leaving your ugly duckling stages and becoming a teenager, you aren't having the first satisfactions of passing your drivers test, or feeling rebellious as you see your first R-rated movie. You aren't turning the legal age of 18 where everything is easier to do such as buying cigarettes, going to clubs, or getting a tattoo. And of course who could forget the rambunctious age of 21 when you can get your drink on without it being against the law. Don't worry I'm getting to the point now. As I sat in my dorm room with my room mates watching What Happens in Vegas and enjoying a wonderful pizza, I thought intently about what the next year would entail. SURPRISE! In came my wonderful friend/relief society president Megan Johnstun. She asked me "how does it feel to be 19"? and of course i replied in a puzzled stare.. I don't feel any different, what is so special about this year! HAPPY DAY I found out a whole year of my life would not be wasted with nothingness. She told me that nineteen is the year we figure out ourselves! Of course this was wonderful news because as everyone knows, being a teenager, you can sure get mixed up with who you are with all the influences around you. And so the story goes from there.

In case you were wondering what a Relief Society is here is the best definition I can think of. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formally known as Mormons). Relief Society is a time during our church day that we get to spend as woman with wonderful lessons and its full of love. We go to church for three hours every sunday and this is one of the enriching parts of my life. STORY TIME! So my mother was a convert to the church when she was 17 right? After I was born she decided to get her butt in gear and come back to church, oh and my dad joined as well :) Most people tell me thats pretty awesome, I didn't think so until last year. Yes, I have not been as hyped up about my faith as I now currently am, which definitely made a switch after my nineteenth birthday. I am from a GINORMOUS town formally named Webster, New York. If any of you know anything about New York, it is infested with Italians! Hence why my name is reaaaaalllllyyyyyyy Italian. If any of you know anything about Italians, they are predominately Roman Catholic. Ringing any bells yet.. HELLO!! Everyone point and stare, because I am different. I was the only member of my church in my whole high school. If any of you know anything about high school and anything about the values of our church, you know that they do not mix well. I made it out alive, but in many pieces, which i have put back together for the most part in the past 6 months. Thanks to my amazing family and friends backing me up, I am at the happiest state of life at the present moment :) Well friends I will end by saying Brigham Young University Idaho is the best thing thats ever happened to me. Thank you and Goodnight <3

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