Saturday, November 20, 2010

Choose your words wisely.

You know that saying "choose your words wisely"? Well I totally get it. I don't know if this ever crosses peoples mind's before they talk or think or act, but what you are saying or thinking or doing could potentially hurt someone's feelings. It's something new I have been working on. Now my sarcasm has been dissed on quite a lot this past semester, so I decided that I would mellow it down a little. Also I have tried to when my mind wonders to bad thoughts about a person, I try to think of something good I see in them. Words can either mean so little or so much depending on how you use them. For example when you call someone your best friend, but then you use the term lightly with many other people it starts to mean less and less each time. Now I'm not saying that you can't have a group of best friends, but how does one classify as THE best friend? How do you know that your BEST friend considers you their BEST friend? The fact of the matter is if they are telling people how much they miss them or talking about missing someone so much because of memories they had while you are standing right there, they are more concerned with what they can't have at the moment then focussing on what you could have. I will just throw this out there and say that I have been very naive in the past. Words have always meant so much to me, when really half the time people don't even mean what they say. It's sad to think that I love you is the most thrown around phrase in our english language, or so it seems. Is best friend the next culprit? What's next? Really people I mean I'm sure there are more people out there like me, or even everyone has a little of me in them. They want to believe what people say. Let's face it though, when the actions don't show through.. it's not true. It's like having a compulsive liar, they keep adding on bits and pieces to make their story seem reasonable, just like people keep adding on I love yous or you're my best friend's trying to make it seem more believable and logical. Maybe if we say it enough it will actually mean something? I'm sorry the answer to that question is definitely NO. Now on to the next issue, peoples word being trustworthy. If you constantly are saying you will do something and then you don't, do you honestly think that people are going to believe you? The let down is toxic. Honestly, why say it if you can't do it. The best part of it all is that the person on the other end gets the beating yet when they say something about it it's always a "I'm sorry" or the "I promise I won't do it again" or even "I know I'm a horrible person, but I'll do better". In a generation that is full of texting all day everyday you would think that someone would get tired of it and say enough.. lets talk face to face. But, still people talk through a little hand held computer about things that could be discussed in person. Since the people can't hear your voice, they don't know how you are saying things, which in turn leads to misinterpretations and hurt feelings that didn't need to be there in the first place. Then you have the social networking sites, where creeps all around prey on woman or men. They think by saying "Hey Beautiful" or "Hello Handsome" that that is flattering and will make you feel like you're important. The best is when they are saying it to several others as well. Don't be fooled, if they are looking you up on a social networking site and you haven't previously met them in person, they don't really care. Someone could take that as an "oh they like me" when really it's not what they were going for at all. Then we move to the critics. If you say something that you have an opinion on and someone doesn't agree they will jump down your throat and make you feel like the stupidest person alive. Or there are those people who if you don't agree with what they say they get all mad and snippy about that as well. Now I'm not saying I am perfect in anyway shape or form because there are many things I have thought, said or done that have hurt people, but when is this social battle going to end. When are they going to hold things sacred, like their word, or BEST friendship or even the I love yous. It's impossibly frustrating and unfortunately unless I grow a cold heart over night the words will still sting. The thoughts will still be in a persons mind. The actions will still prove words wrong. So choose your words wisely.

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