Friday, November 19, 2010


So as I sit here in the Salt Lake City airport watching all the people scurrying around, I wonder if the airports are ever quiet. It seems like travel is a pure necessity these days. Now I have only been back and forth from home BY MYSELF.. about 3 times, but I feel like I am a pro or at least a pro in the making. Although I usually am stressed to the max and generally HATE airports, today seems different. I feel like the world is in fast motion all around me and I am just traveling in slow motion. It's quite nice I'm afraid, a break from all the busyness is wonderful. Being one of the only people from my class to go out of state, and probably the farthest away from home has really made me appreciate the little things in life. For example, when I'm at school, I miss my family, pizza and chicken wings, bagels, dunkin donuts, WEGMANS, and many other things. When I'm home I miss how nice everyone is and the positivity that fills my day  all day everyday. I will admit I do have the best of both worlds.. my Mormon bubble for half of the year, and my outrageously opposite New York for the other half. Traveling between them can be quite difficult at times, but I feel like I have grown because of it. Now back to the airport. Currently I am seated at the B9 gate of the SLC airport waiting to travel to Chicago O'hare. Usually I would be scared, but today I am not. Airports aren't really as scary as they used to be to me before. Maybe someday I will travel the world, but for now my final destination is Home Sweet Home New York, where my wonderful family and childhood friends are waiting. I couldn't be happier :)

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