Monday, November 15, 2010

The little things.

If there is one thing that I have learned from my 19 years of life, it is that the little things matter the most. We can all try and fight it, but its inevitable. I'm not just talking about bad things because good things add up fast too. Honestly the littlest things can make me so happy. A smile or a hug can make the rest of my day. Then again the littlest things can ruin your day as well. Especially if you let them build-up, you will explode. I've heard a lot about gratitude the past few days, and it's really changed my view on some things. It's important to think of good things in your life or else you will always think of bad things. You will find that the good always outweighs the bad. For instance a room mate could do something that could absolutely aggravate the heck out of you, but if you think of something nice they have done for you all aggravation will fade. Look for the good in others, rather than the bad. Really, I promise it works! My week totally changed just by being positive. So give someone, or as many people as you can think of a compliment or a smile or a hello :) its wonderful <3

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