Thursday, August 16, 2012


This past Saturday my family and I set out on a long drive to old orchard beach, Maine and have resided there for the week. It's been really nice because we have been able to go to a real beach and enjoy the sand and salty air. As I was laying there with the sun beating down on my face and body, I thought a lot about time. I know kind of a weird thing to think about when you are feeling the suns rays seep into your skin, but that was where my mind went. There are some things that are just so relaxing that you get lost in your thoughts and dream. You know that place where you go when you aren't asleep, but you aren't completely conscious of what's going on around you? That is where I was.. in a day dream. Time is such a beautiful thing. Each second we are given, each minute we are blessed with in life is so amazing to me. When you really feel like you have nothing think about the blessing of time. There have been days that I have been somewhere or done something and my mind was constantly shouting at me that I couldn't wait for the time to pass. I wanted to be somewhere else or to be doing something else. The tricky thing about that thought process is that we get in a habit of feeling that way and before you know it life passes you by. Every year since I have started college I have sat there and wished that I could go back to school. I couldn't wait to pack my bags and go to my happy place. What I missed out on though were the good things in everyday I was given while I was home. I missed out on experiences and happiness that could have been had in that moment. You see tomorrow is inevitable if life allows, but today will never be ours to have again. Now I'm not saying that you can't be excited for something, or that you can't have a bad day once in a while and just want to sleep. All I'm saying is that if we live everyday saying if only I could have this.. if only I was here.. if only I was at this point in my life.. if only.. if only.. we're never going to be happy. I have come to live and breathe the timing of events in life. Sometimes things won't happen when we want them to or they might not even happen at all. That doesn't mean that your life is over, it just means that it will come at the perfect time, the perfect place and in the perfect way. When I got home and had my environment changed all I could think was "I can't wait to get out of here". That is so limiting though! I am here in this place at this time for a reason and there is an experience or experiences that need to happen to guide me down the path that I need to become who I'm supposed to be. Although I really want to go on my mission, there are things that I need to do first, people I need to meet and life to live.. minutes to live. Before my attitude was.. it would suck if I was stuck here until November or December, but now I feel like that is valuable time that I don't want to waste. I want to take a guitar class and grow in that. Heck I want to write a really good song that I can be proud of. I want to take a photography class and learn how to take really great pictures. I want to learn how to break dance because it's seriously been on my bucket list for years. No longer will I look at time as a death sentence when I am not at a place or point that I thought I would be in. I mean I thought I would be married right now to one guy and now he's married to another girl who is probably perfect for him. It's amazing how fast things can change and how fast life may pass you by. Sitting idly there and letting it happen will only leave you with regrets. Enjoy your minutes. Make the most boring times or undesirable activities seem like they are the best times of your life. Really it's okay to not like things or to plan.. but don't get annoyed or angry.. Live! Everything will happen in the right time, place and way. I promise :)

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