Wednesday, March 25, 2015

500 days of Summer

Okay so I'm sure most of you have either seen or at least heard of the movie 500 days of Summer. If not you should go and watch it right now... because it's my favorite movie.. and it's awesome. Bam.

So what's the point of me telling you about this... well let's just say this is my favorite movie because it is like a real life situation. They tell you right up front that this is a movie about a boy and a girl, but it's not a love story. It holds to it's reputation. There isn't that scene where they get in a fight and then get back together again like in all movies, they just go on with life.. as it usually happens. Okay so before my mission I used to think of the guys I dated as Tom thought of Summer... heartless, robots who don't have a soul because they ended things and hurt me so bad. BUT.. this time I saw it in a completely different light. 

This is my favorite scene in the movie because this is real life stuff people. Don't we all have expectations in our mind of how things are supposed to be? Do our expectations really ever match up to the reality happening around us? At least in my experience.... it never does. Like ever. Before I thought that was the worst thing ever.. but it's not. It's not at all. What? How can that be? You plan things out and they don't go your way and that's not the worst case scenario? No. No my friend it's not. Let me explain. EVERYTHING.. and I mean literally everything that happens to you happens for a reason. I stopped believing that for a while, but currently I have reaccepted that to be true. SPOILER.. okay so Tom works at a greeting card company even though he went to school to be an architect. Summer moved to the same city and started to work at the same firm.. which is where they met, became friends, started sort of dating and such. After some time Tom fell madly in love, but Summer felt otherwise. She was never sure about him or being serious and so she ended things. Because of this break up he hated greeting cards because they all told "lies" and quit his job. Then he decided to try to go back to his original career which was architecture. While waiting for an interview he met this girl named Autumn and that is when the 500 days of Summer were over. 

So why do I tell you this. Well before I saw only the bad parts as applying to my life, but really it's all so beautiful the message. If he hadn't of met Summer, he never would have quit his job and although she wasn't the right one for him and he was left heartbroken, he never would have gone to a job interview for architecture and he might never had met Autumn. Now I don't know if their relationship worked out because the movie ended there, but it leaves us with the happy picture. Sometimes things fall out of our lives so that Heavenly Father can give us something better. We can plan and He wants us to, but ultimately He knows what will make us truly the happiest. So next time you think you have been jipped.. remember to love the suffering. You will find something better :) 

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