Sunday, February 13, 2011


       Today in church my assumption of the needed improvement in my life was emphasized. I have been feeling for a while that I have been slacking on making something better about my self each day.. and it really needs to change. For one I need to actually study the scriptures more efficiently. They won't do any good just sitting there. Another is my temple attendance. Our last speaker in sacrament meeting basically was like "If you are dating a returned missionary who is not regularly attending the temple dump them!" Not that I am dating anyone.. but how can I expect them to regularly attend when I don't even do so. So I am working on those two things this week/ month. I also need to work on being more positive. Sometimes I feel like such a negative Nancy.. and it's time for a change. How can I be happy and expect those around me to be happy if I am not bringing happiness and positivity to the table. 
      So I was so richly blessed this weekend to receive letters from all four missionaries that I have been writing. One being from my best friend Jayden Tuttle who will be home in 4 MONTHS! crazy! When he went on his mission I decided that while he was constantly improving I would do the same. I have worked a lot of things out in my life but the constant improvement part needs to accelerate pretty soon. My cousin Grant, and my friends Dallon and Joey also make me want to do better. It needs to be a constant process.
    The high counsel man also said that if we are not looking for a spouse that we are not going in the right direction. Of course I am only 19 and am not planning on getting married any time soon, but with dating.. seriously losers its time to back off. If I can't see myself marrying someone, I'm not going to waste my time with them. Maybe I'm being too picky, but it's really important for the future. 
    I have also taken it upon myself to learn guitar this semester.. so I constantly need to be working on that as well as my piano..oops! Right before I left home from Christmas break my brother Adam and I wrote a piano composition for Thunder by Boys Like Girls and I was super excited about it. Of course with my demanding school schedule there's not much time for instruments, which is sad. I was fortunate enough to be able to borrow a guitar from my HEG (yeah were not allowed to call it FHE anymore... lame) brother Justin so I can practice that, but a piano is not at my disposal. 
     I have definitely improved in my school work and have been learning a lot! Psychology and Math are my niches... NOW I just have to figure out which one to make my major! GAHHHH! It has been a lot of reading and studying.. but the work has payed off. I feel more accomplished in that I actually will be able to narrow down to one profession. I absolutely know 100% I want to be a mother.. but as for the future job thats tough.. but it's become a lot easier. 
     I also need to improve on talking about people and thinking bad thoughts. Negative words and thoughts are so destructive and eat away at you each and everyday. If I want to be even remotely close to Christ.. its gotta change.. and I mean for real. I need to be a better example and not the girl who isn't fun to be around or people are hesitant around.
    I love this gospel with all my heart and I love that the messages seem like they are directed right at you. You learn so much every time and are always reminded of things you can do better. I love the temple and the sacred ordinances we participate in there. I have a strong testimony of sacrifice that if we give up something good or important to us that the blessings will come and we will receive something better in the end. I know that God loves me and every one of his children. I know that families can be forever and that love is real and is in the little acts that we do each day. I love my Savior and want to be just like his example. I say these things humbly in the name of Jesus Christ Amen <3

1 comment:

  1. What tha is the HEG? That is odd. Also, there is a piano in the lounge :) in the basement if you want to use it! I love you! Your testimony is beautiful :)
