Monday, March 7, 2011

Life Through New Eyes.

So I have only been twenty for 4 days now, but I already feel like I have learned so much. From my wonderful roommate Amy I learned to take all the opportunities that are placed in my life. From my beautiful best friends (and roommates) I have learned that I am wonderful the way I am and that I should do everything I can to make other feel the same way. From my AMAZING mother and best friend Kortney I have learned that there is no such thing as fate. There is not a job, or boy or anything of the sort that is destiny. Destiny has always been my thought process, but I now realize it's the decisions we make on a daily basis that get us to the things in life that we are so unsure about. If we just sit here and wait for things to happen they won't, we actually have to take the initiative. We may make some mistakes a long the way, but Heavenly Father will always lead you to the things that you need in your life. For example, I made the choice to come to BYU Idaho for school (even though I really did not want to come). Because of that choice I went back on the path that I needed to be and have become strong in my faith, have met some of my best friends, and have found some respectable guy friends who one day could be my potential eternal companion. If I had stayed home and gone to a SUNY school I would have stayed on the same pathway, dated a whole lot more guys that were not the best for me, and I would have lost the opportunities to meet my best friends here and to learn and grow with them and for myself. Looking back on my teenage years I realize that I was the biggest idiot of all time. I would like to blame it on the fact that my brain wasn't fully developed to the point that it is now, but that is only partially the reason. There comes a point in your life when you are supposed to change how you live your life and I was just going through the cycle over and over again, just with different people and different situations. I was a snot to my family, which was the stupidest thing I could have ever done because they are and will always be the best thing that has happened to me. I can now honestly say that I have the best relationship with them, and that I know that no matter what I do or say they will always love me and support me. There is no need to hide behind walls of lies, or stupid insignificant things because the ones who love you will love you no matter what. I've also realized that no matter what people decide to do in life, you need to let them do it and not complain. If you truly care and love someone you have to let them make mistakes and support them no matter what. People will never be perfect so giving a little leeway is all in the plan of life. Of course there is a point when things become too much and you just need to get yourself out of the situation in which you are being brought down. Always surround yourself with people who bring you up and make you the best that you can be. Always love with all your heart. I have also learned that even though you could be having the worst day in the history of all man kind, someone also has things that are bothering/hurting them and need someone to give them a little back rub and encouragement. Complaining about things won't change them, nor make you feel any better about the situation. Instead put on a smile and know that someone out there always has it worse then you. We should welcome struggles and trials with open arms because it means that the Lord trusts us enough to have them and still love and follow him. Jesus bled from every pore, he suffered for all the sins/pains/diseases ect. of every person who has ever and will ever live. Now just think of that every time you have a trial. He knows what you are going through times 5789257435673529765927365927 more. If there is anything I can take from that it's that he loves us and although we may be stupid and make mistakes everything will all work out if we just put our trust in him, if we take the initiative to make our lives better, if we let him guide us along.

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