Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Dream Guy

So I was at work the other day, and of course we were talking about relationships. My mom said something very interesting to me that I haven't thought of. "Did you notice that it's always about him, what he wants, what he feels, whats good for him, you're his dream girl. Who said that he was your dream guy?" I have been thinking about that a lot lately and I have come to the conclusion that love is selfless.. so if you are being selfishly in love then its not really love anyways. 

Who is my dream guy then? Most of us girls have been sitting here waiting for our prince charming for our whole lives and we expect it to be like a Disney movie. WRONG! In order to find our prince charming we must be doing everything possible to be who we want them to be. That's right you actually have to work on yourself and make yourself better and be the princess in this story if you expect your man to be the prince.

That's right, I said it. So here are some things I came up with that I need to be in order to find my dream guy. For one I need to be more selfless. We are so used to being self absorbed and just focusing on ourselves.. it's part of being a teenager and finding yourself. But there is a time and a place for it, and it should not be still taking place in your adult years. When you are in a relationship you actually have to think of the other person too.. so start practicing! Secondly, I need to be working on getting rid of the qualities I don't like about myself and start working on gaining qualities I want to have. For example: I have a habit for saying things when I'm upset that I shouldn't, or even yelling. It's not a horrible problem, because it doesn't happen very often, but if I don't get that in check now it could lead to my demise. My motto is just walk away, cool down, and talk about it... that's right talk.. not fight. Thirdly, I have to put myself out there and actually be interesting so that people want to talk to me and get to know me. I have a habit of getting too comfortable, and not wanting to leave my comfort zone.. yeah I know..boring. My roommate Amy and I have a goal this semester that we are going to go out and meet people and be social instead of sitting in our apartment waiting for people to come to us (which did happen on a regular basis, but never anyone new). Now I'm not saying that you need to drop all your close friends and just go bananza for new friends, but meeting new people is a good way to explore your options and get better about being around people. Fourthly, I need to be interesting. I need to be someone that people want to talk to, and people want to hold a conversation with. If you just talk about yourself, or talk like a ditz people are not going to find you very interesting. Fifthly, I need to be willing to try new things and be daring. "If you aren't taking risks, then you aren't really living." Life is so exciting and full of so many wonderful adventures that are just waiting to be explored. If you just so all the same things all the time... YAWN! boring. Seems like a lot to work on huh? Yeah the list goes on... and it can be very overwhelming. That's why we need to work on ourselves each and everyday so that we can be the people we want to be. Oh and by the way.. Prince Charming isn't going to just walk by you on the street and magically fall in love with you.. you actually have to do something. haha.

Now on to My Dream Guy. Tall with brown hair and blue eyes who can play guitar and sing... haha... well it would be nice. On a real note though.. He will be my best friend. Not only will he have similar interests to me, but also have his own personal interests. He won't use harsh words or raise his voice towards me and will treat me as an equal. He wouldn't try and buy me, but rather think of cute things he can do to make my day like writing me a note or coloring me a picture, give me some flowers here and there.. you know the cute mushy gushy stuff :) He will actually do the things he says hes going to do, as well as act the way he would want me to act, do the things he would want me to do and not be hypocritical. He will lift me higher and keep trying to help me be a better person. He will support me and love me through everything. He wouldn't try and get me to do anything that would compromise my standards, and actually share the same beliefs. He will want a family and want to be married in the temple for time and all eternity. He won't procrastinate and get the things done that he needs to. He will be fun and make me laugh. He will call me beautiful when I am in my sweatpants with no makeup on. I want a kind, loving individual, who holds the priesthood and preferably has served a mission. He will do things without being asked and won't seek recognition. He will know when it's okay to joke and when it is time to be serious.

Can you tell I had the eternal marriage lesson today in church? haha.. I feel like everyone had been talking to me about marriage lately.. and maybe it's because it's something I need to start working towards. I need to start being who I wanna be and everything will fall into place. If we are obedient, and do the things that the Lord asks of us, he will bless us. We do not get blessings, if we don't follow the councils that are tied to that blessing. Just some food for thought. :)

1 comment:

  1. wow! that was a beautiful post! you rock :) i need to work on the same things!
