Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Philosophies of Men Mingled with Scripture

Recently, I have had several conversations with my husband, family members, and friends about truth and the doctrine of Jesus Christ. There have been many who have expressed views on social media or in person about their frustrations with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or who have decided to just close the door on it completely. Of course, this breaks my heart, but I also empathize with them and their experiences.

When we came into the world, we were given the gift of agency and God wants us to use that agency, but just as He can't force you to choose, He cannot interfere with the consequences of those choices. He gave us commandments in order to protect us and help us live a happier and more fulfilling life. We were also given prophets and apostles that teach His pure doctrine. These men are not perfect, but neither are we.

One of the commandments that God has given us is to study the scriptures. Let me emphasize the word STUDY. That does not mean to just read them, but to actually study them. When we study we have questions and we bring them to the Lord in prayer. We don't just read to get it done, but we look into topics that we need at that particular time, or just studying the pure doctrine of Christ in general. An example of this is since I became a mother, I didn't feel like just reading the scriptures or studying them from cover to cover was what I needed at this time. I started to study the topic of motherhood and then that brought me to study particular topics that are controversial. One day I'm going to need to teach my children these things, and I want to be ready and have an understanding of the Lord's way.

Another commandment is to keep the sabbath day holy. Part of this includes going to church. We partake of the sacrament and hear messages and lessons from fellow members of the church. It is important to remember that the spirit is our teacher and that we can learn something from each person. What we need to realize though is that these imperfect people do not always teach Christ's pure doctrine, but at times use doctrine according to them. For example, nowhere has it ever been said that caffeine is the reason why we are not to partake of coffee and tea. As a child, I was taught that that was why we didn't drink those things, but it didn't make sense as to why we could drink caffeinated soda. Through study of the Word of Wisdom, I have come to know that caffeine is not the reason why. We don't know the reasons why, but we have been asked by the Lord to obey His commandments. Upon obeying those commandments we will receive certain blessings. Although I have questions, I choose to follow that commandment because I want the blessings.

There are a lot of these "philosophies of men mingled with scripture" floating around and taught as Christ's doctrine. What we need to understand is that if we want to know for ourselves, we need to have questions and go to the Lord. Sometimes we may not get answers, but I have always gotten a sense of peace for trying. Don't let your salvation depend on the words you hear imperfect men and women speak at church. Study it out in your mind. God doesn't want us to follow Him blindly. Study the cannon scriptures, but also the words of modern day prophets and apostles. We need to have a better understanding of what the doctrine of Christ is and less of the opinions of people who are in our midst. Maybe someone said something at church that rubbed you the wrong way. Ask Heavenly Father about it. I know He will give you the peace you are looking for.

I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father, who wants whats best for us. He has given us the gift of agency and also commandments to help us. I know that we are all brothers and sisters and that we are here to learn from each other, but sometimes that learning comes from negative experiences. I know that Christ suffered for our sins, ailments, imperfections, and trials and that He understands us perfectly. I know that as we strive to become like Him by following His teachings that His grace will make up for our imperfections. I know that Russell M Nelson has been called as a prophet today and that He is Christ's mouthpiece, who leads and guides His church. I know that as we truly study Christ's doctrine that we will have a better understanding and be able to resist the temptations of the devil and discern between truth and opinions. I love this gospel. I love my Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

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